Thursday, 4 April 2013

Welcoming back Roland Menten - 'The Snail Man'

Roland Menten is one of my absolute favourite first encounters arriving in Belgium; Artistically and personally -
His generosity in creating new artistic encounters.....and his wonderful perspective on life, and his art:
'Kunst van het onthaasten' ('The Art of Not Hurrying') is refreshing and at the same time so very familiar (to me - having had a looooooooong 'snail period' in my own painting :)  - These very 'snail-paintings' helped me through a lot of longdrawn difficulties....)
To arrive in Belgium and encounter Roland's visions (always snails!) gave me a beautiful 'home-coming-feeling' :)
A poet in his own way, look out for his titles! :)

Please visit Roland's website: