- Encounters, Exchanges, and Creative Collaborations -
ADDRESS: Rue du Tilleul 22, (S.J.G.) Jodoigne, B-1370 Belgium - Teleph. +32 (0) 10 81 06 14 - GSM: +32 (0) 474.285.130 GSM(2) +32 (0) 493.628.540
Friday, Saturday and Sunday 13:00 - 20:00 - WELCOME TO THE NEW SEASON - BIENVENUE - WELKOM!

Saturday, 20 December 2014

Saturday, 29 November 2014

We thank you Gisèle!

Thinking of and Thanking this wonderful artist and woman, who has been such a vibrant part of our 'Enchanted Garden' through all but one year: Gisèle De Rop. We will truly miss you - but your spirit will surely remain in this garden - again and again Enchanted:

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Art Sanctuary's 'Enchanted Garden' - A beautiful experience through ALL the Seasons!

As the seasons pass, and we are approaching winter,
we wish to share some moments and memories from previous seasons...
'The Enchanted Garden': A beautiful experience -
through all the seasons!


Thursday, 6 November 2014

The Enchanted Garden: What it is all about

THIS is what this 'Enchanted Garden' is all about:
A place to Ponder and Wonder...
Artists and Art Inspired by, and in Dialogue with, Nature.
We welcome you back
to our

5th Anniversary Celebration

 - June 26th - August 2nd, 2015 -

Monday, 25 August 2014

Moment from The Enchanted Garden - 2014


Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Thank you all!




The beautiful performance of Virginie Verdier (dance)
 and Ingrid Bourgeois (violin)

(Photos: Tone Aanderaa)
Please also see these beautiful photos by photographer Ger Spendel:

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

WELCOME TO ART SANCTUARY'S LAST WEEKEND EVENTS! Saturday August 2 and Sunday August 3, 2014

(Click to enlarge)

SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 - AT 20:00 (8pm):
An Informal Evening - with informal music :)
A darling dethroned, a blues Andaluz, a kippered guitar in a smokey bar – Routes bring you their own weird and wondrous songs. But they also play folk, both traditional and contemporary. And some Celtic tunes for good measure, whether racy reels, juicy jigs or lingering airs. Routes are Ian Graham (guitar, concertina, whistle and vocals) and Jul Cortoos (guitar, percussion and vocals).    
Les déboires d'un chouchou, le blues d'une Andalouse, l’enfumage d’une guitare ... Le duo Routes vous propose des compositions propres. Mais également du folk traditionnel et contemporain. Des airs celtiques aussi : parfois doux, parfois endiablés, toujours une valeur sûre. Routes, c’est Ian Graham (guitare, concertina, whistle et chant) et Jul Cortoos (guitare, percussions et chant).


starting at 15:30 (3.30 pm)
Lorsque la Nature inspire la Musique,
Lorsque le son induit le mouvement,
Lorsque la Danse se fond et se confond avec l'environnement,
Alors tout entre en interrelation pour créer l'harmonie et la symbiose sans limite de temps ni d'espace,
Le Tout ne fait plus qu'Un,
L'Harmonie des sons, des couleurs, du mouvement et des sens pulse au rythme de l'Instant.
Ingrid et Virginie créent une légende telle une partition qui se réinvente à chaque instant
Deux femmes s'éveillent à l'orée du bois
Scintillement du silence, pétillement des feuilles, frémissement du violon
Deux femmes dessinent leur histoire
Empreintes de la nature, des sons, des mouvements
Deux femmes jouent au bord de l'eau
Jaillir, se figer, embrasser, fuir, plonger, ...

Ingrid Bourgeois -Violin

Virginie Verdier - Dance


15:30 - In the Forest
16:30 - Near the Mandala
17:30 - By the Labyrinth 



Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Moments from Art Sanctuary's Enchanted Garden 2014


Moments from this year's 'Enchanted Garden'
See it - Experience it!
(That's what they all say!


Monday, 30 June 2014

OPENING(/OUVERTURE - Conclusion: After the Rain fall.......Don't play with the Gods!

After months and months of waiting.....for the finally arrived!
At exactly 18 (6PM) - at the Opening/Ouverture
of Art Sanctuary's Enchanted Garden 2014
the Heavens opened up a Rain fall beyond imagination!
Thunder and Lightening, rain -  rain -  rain
ALL evening!
Thanks to ALL - Artists and visitors -
 that made it to The Enchanted Garden 
for this most Special Evening!
'Don't play with the Gods'....!!!
Ref,.Theme this year:
Mythologies and Legends
Stories and Tales
(Sculpture: Roos Mannaerts)

Monday, 26 May 2014


Nicky Bendix;  a Musical Magician in Love with Art;
He composes music for movies, theatre,  modern dance –
and he creates sound installations and music for exhibitions.
In Art Sanctuary’s ’Enchanted Garden’ we have experienced his 
 ’Enchanted Forest’ concert and installation – 2011
’VISION’- an ’Art Sanctuary Special Edition CD and concert – 2012
 ’Nord Profond’; a collaboration with French artist/poet and exhibiting artist Francois Monnet and ’Forest Temple’  ( the music for Tone Aanderaa’s installation by the same name) – 2013 
Nicky Bendix returns to Art Sanctuary this year by popular request – with
A culmination of a long love affair with ART!
 We welcome you to experience this Musical Magician
Live in Concert June 27th 2014 - 19:30

    - stories and tales     -

This year’s exhibition invites the visitor on a journey of myths and legends, mysteries and wonders; An avenue of cherry trees, apple trees with promises,  winding trails, deep ponds and secret forest rooms, chapels and a labyrinth, threads of destiny, goddesses, and sleeping beauties…
This large and natural garden, situated just near the ‘border’ between the French and the Flemish part of Belgium, hosts a most special International art exhibition; Art Inspired by, and in Dialogue With, Nature.
Twenty two artists from Belgium, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, and Ukraine, are represented with works in glass, stone, metal, wood, and ceramics, land art, sound installations and music.


    - des histories and des contes     -

L'exposition de cette année invite le visiteur à un voyage fait de mythes et de légendes, de mystères et de merveilles; une avenue de cerisiers, de pommiers signe de promesses, des sentiers sinueux, des étangs profonds et des forêts aux chambres secrètes, des chapelles et un labyrinthe, fils du destin, où vivent les déesses et les belles au bois dormant ...
Ce grand jardin naturel, situé juste à côté de la ‘frontière’ entre la partie francophone et la partie flamande, accueille une exposition d'art international, inspirée par la nature et en dialogue avec elle.
Vingt-deux artistes de Belgique, du Danemark, de France, de Grande-Bretagne, d’Italie, de Norvège, des Pays-Bas et d’Ukraine présentent des nouvelles œuvres en verre, pierre, métal, bois ou argile. On y côtoie le «land art», des peintures, des installations sonores et de la musique.
    -  verhalen en sprookjes -
De tentoonstelling nodigt dit jaar de bezoeker uit op een reis doorheen mythes en legendes, mysteries en betovering. Kersenlanen, kronkelende paadjes en wilgentunnels leiden hem naar meerdere vijvers, boskamers, tempel, wilgenkapel en labyrint met beeldhouwwerken en kunstinstallaties. Deze grote natuurlijke landschapstuin, op de grens tussen Vlaanderen en Wallonië, verwelkomt ook dit jaar een internationale kunsttentoonstelling geïnspireerd, geïntegreerd en in dialoog met de natuur.
Tweeëntwintig kunstenaars uit België, Denemarken, Frankrijk, Groot-Bretagne, Italië, Nederland, Noorwegen en Oekraïne tonen hun nieuwe werken in glas, steen, metaal, keramiek en hout. Er is ook plaats voor ‘land art’, schilderijen, kunstinstallaties en muziek.
'ArtTrack' by Nicky Bendix
 This year Nicky Bendix will have two music installations in the Enchanted Garden:
”Threads of the Nornir” and ”Healing Garden”.
Both ArtTracks are also available as CD'es.

At the Opening on the 27th of June his solo concert in the garden will consist of compositions he has written over the years for exhibitions, modern dance, movies and theater, but will here be performed as a live soundtrack. Melodies and stories from a long career in composing for images.
Friday June 27th, 2014 - OUVERTURE/OPENING!
Duration of Exhibition: 27/6 - 3/8, 2014


Friday, 25 April 2014

MYTHS AND LEGENDS - stories and tales - 2014

Art Sanctuary's 'Enchanted Garden'

Opens its gates for the 4th season on June 27th 2014
MYTHS AND LEGENDS    - stories and tales     -

This year’s exhibition invites the visitor on a journey of myths and legends, mysteries and wonders; An avenue of cherry trees, and apple trees with promises, winding trails, deep ponds and secret forest rooms, chapels and a labyrinth, threads of destiny, goddesses and sleeping beauties…

This large and natural garden, situated just near the ‘border’ between the French and the Flemish part of Belgium, hosts a most special International art exhibition;
Art Inspired by, and in Dialogue With, Nature.

Twenty two artists from Belgium, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, and Ukraine, are represented with works in glass, stone, metal, wood, and ceramics, land art, sound installations and music.
To mention a few of the aspects of the exhibition:

ü  The strange and fantastical beings of Aleksandr Agafonov  (Ukraine),  surreal, at times carnivalesque, and always beautiful, all seem to walk straight out of a myth or a fairy-tale.

('With Umbrella' - Aleksandr Agafonov Ukraine)
ü  Gisèle De Rop (B), ‘Professional Dreamer’, shows her recent dreams in ceramics; Every year Gisele makes a special installation for Art Sanctuary's 'Enchanted Garden' - always poignant and fascinating!
(Gisele De Rop - B)

ü  Landscape architect Jean de la Kethulle (B) returns this year with another ‘Eye-opning experience’; the twenty large steles making a visual and rhythmical trail of almost 300 meters is most certainly a ‘InTERREaction’ – showing the view… to end of the world…and beyond…the stars…?
(‘InTERREaction’ - Jean de la Kethulle - B)

ü  Artist and poet Lebuïn d’Haese (B) ; his tattooed figures are both funny and serious, sometimes beautiful, sometimes not – but always very human ; and titles an important intergral part.
('Fly Away' - Lebuïn d’Haese -B)

ü  Inspired by classical art, Roos Mannaerts’ (NL) beautiful sculptures couldn’t be more fitting to this year’s theme !

('Lang Haar' - Roos Mannaerts - NL)

As is the ceramic work of  Shirley Weiffenbach (NL). 
ü  Exquisite work in stone by Luk Luts (B), metal sculptures by Joshua Pennings (NL), Giovanni Gelmi (B/I),  and Romeo Sr. Vangoethemd (B) are exciting, elegant, and powerful – all returning by popular request, as are ‘The Snail man’, Roland Menten (B), and Will Schropp (NL) with his beautiful wood sculptures.
(Luk Luts - B)

(Giovanni Gelmi - B)
(Joshua Pennings - NL)

ü  Satirical and touchingly humorous, Michel Vranckx (B) certainly brings a smile. As does playful hanging mobiles by Luc Leroy (B).
ü  Glass has also this year a special focus. Four artists work with glass in all different styles and techniques; Marcel Haccuria (B),  Maria Bemelmans (NL),  Veerle De Ridder (B), et Marie Biesmans (B).
ü  Laura Frennet (B/F)’s special fondness for trees, both symbolically and literally, is this year manifested in a most appropriate ‘woody’ visitor !
ü  We are very pleased that british sculptor Walter Bailey (UK) will exhibit new works this year. His magnificent ‘Sophia – Woman and Cosmos’, the centre piece of the labyrinth last year, has chosen a new and permanent residence in the garden.

('Celestial Menhir'  - Walter Baily  - UK)
ü  In addition to her paintings,  Tone Aanderaa’s (N/B) main work this year is an installation titled ‘Threads of Norns’, a ‘room of threads’ in the forest – in addition to several  other installations. (She is also the organiser and curator of the exhibition).

('Run - run - run'  - Tone Aanderaa N/B)
ü  Finally, the music of composer/performer Nicky Bendix (DK), especially made for the exhibition,  adds a very special dimension, experienced as sound installations in different parts of the garden/exhibition.
Nicky Bendix will be releasing 
2 Special Editions CD's this year!
Date: June 27th!

“without images [...]
there is no mythology"
(Joseph Campbell)

WELCOME JUNE 27th - AUGUST 3rd, 2014

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Welcoming Aleksandr Agafonov - from Ukraine

In these very special times for Ukraine, we are truly pleased, and honoured, to welcome this most wonderful artist to Art Sanctuary's 'Enchanted Garden', 2014!
His 'message' makes it perhaps even more special:

"Aleksandr wants to show the path to a world of beauty and harmony, an ideal world. His strange and fantastical beings, animals who speak, and enchanting flute–players, surreal, at times carnivalesque, all seem to walk straight out of a myth or a fairy-tale. The good prevails, sensed in the spirit  – or heard in the wind. A sensitive message, a powerful one -  or both?"

'With an Umbrella' - Aleksandr Agafonov
Welcome to 'The Enchanted Garden' - June 27th - August 3rd, 2014!

Monday, 14 April 2014

Once Upon a Time....2014

This year’s exhibition invites the visitor on a journey of

myths and legends, stories and tales;

Art, pondering and wondering -  imaginative, inquisitive – personas and personifications, places and names; remembered, retraced, recoding again;  the puzzle and mystery,

of human existence.

This year’s exhibition invites the visitor on a journey of myths and legends, mysteries and wonders; An avenue of cherries, winding trails, deep ponds and secret forest rooms, chapels and a labyrinth, threads of destiny, goddesses and sleeping beauties…

('With an Umbrella' - Alexandr Agafonov, Ukraine)

“without images [...]

there is no mythology"

(Joseph Campbell)  

ARTISTS represented 2014:
Alexandr Agafonov (Ukraine)

Walter Bailey (UK)
Maria Bemelmans (NL)
Nicky Bendix (DK)
Marie Biesmans (B)
Lebuïn d’Haese (B)
Jean de la Kerthulle (B)
Veerle De Ridder (B)
Giséle Derop (B)
Laura Frennet (B/F)
Giovanni Gelmi (B/I)
Marcel Haccuria (B)
Luc Leroy (B)
Luk Luts (B)
Roos Mannaerts (NL)
Roland Menten (B)
Joshua Pennings (NL)
Will Schropp (NL)
Romeeo Sr. Vangoethemd (B)
Michel Vranckx (B)
Shirley Weiffenbach (NL)
Tone Aanderaa (N/B)

WELCOME JUNE 27th - AUGUST 3rd, 2014