The' SmartFrame'
The "Basic Model" has the following features:
- Put your own paintings/photos/pictures in the frame.
- Select formats/sizes for the pictures and frames you wish to show
- You can select the pictures corresponding with your "Mood", your emotions - your feelings. An easy, simplified user-interface helps you to select the corresponding framed pictures;
- You can select the frame corresponding with your room decoration. Small, large - any size.Also the frame can be removed...
- An automatic scrolling function allows to change the pictures/paintings in the sequence you want. The visualisation time can be selected, e.g. each day, or each 10 seconds.
- You can add or remove pictures/paintings;
- You can of course also add or remove frames;
- Each picture/painting can have its own notecard;
- A non-painting/picture specific notecard can be introduced with, e.g., general info about a painter/photographer and other;
- A full user manual is included with screenprints and examples.
The "basic model" can be extended with - "Exhibtion Management" features (they are add-ons are sold separately):
- A welcome function, with a welcome whisper and gift, a visitor list; a function to print-out the list;
- A scenario execution module: you can define a scenario. It iexecutes all the available features. The scenario can use a limited set of SL script function. The scenario can be executed once or repeated;
- A painting vendor allows to sell a painting/picture and a frame in the dimensions specified by your visitor;
- A "SmartFrame" vendor allows to sell a "SmartFrame";

'Mood Dynamic Fresco'
- - Sets of Raspirit Heron paintings focused on themes and/or storylines. They include also all the parameters needed to show a set.
- - You can select the painting corresponding with your "Mood", your emotions your feelings. An easy, simplified user-interface helps you to select the corresponding painting;
- - It is a dynamic way to change your wall decoration. You can resize the painting to fill in the best way your wall or small enough to put it on a desk or table;
- * See for further details: IM direct: WieBenIk Beaumont or Raspirit Heron