One day, while working on another Ra-painting, my favorite radio station (Norwegian P2 - mostly good quality cultural and artistic material) had a story about something called 'Second Life' - I can't remember what exactly triggered the interest, but something certainly did... I immediately started a search; and same day entered SL; as - yes:
Raspirit Heron.
- Oh, I've had feelings of 'de-ja-vu', but never like this one;
And thus:)) started my one month long exploration - ----
For a one-time-potential-animator-choosing-fine art painting - It was like entering 'visual heaven'!
And every day I wondered what in the world my book ('Det store puslespillet', published 2004) was REALLY about? Tp'ing...? Flying? Visiting places, any time, anywhere...?
I travelled distances...dropping in and out - seeing what people of fantastic artistic qualities had created - It was all here!
And I knew I had to find a way to make my artwork live here...in SL.